Why we walk

Nov 15, 2021

We walk because we feel strongly about violence against women, which is at epidemic levels. We know that women who are involved in the sex industry are more likely to experience violence, and that sexual exploitation and violence are fundamentally gendered. We stand in solidarity with all women, who deserve to be safe from coercion and violence and we walk to remember women who have been murdered. 
We walk because we believe that women should have choice over their own lives. Too often circumstances of poverty, the impact of childhood trauma, substance abuse and insecure housing limit the choices available for women. Women’s choices are narrowed and removed through an economic and social system that does not prioritise them. We walk to highlight this inequality and to be present to the realities that women face. We walk because women should not have to sell sex to survive. 
We walk to champion specialist services. Services that are women-centred and trauma-focused. Services that see the whole person, not just a part. Services that model collaboration and partnership, working with other organisations for the benefit of each individualWe champion a space for her to be heard, a space where she is listened to, which isn’t dependent on where she comes from or what she has experienced. 
We walk to highlight the stigma and judgement that women face. We walk to show our support of her – to show her that she is valued and loved, and worthy as a human being. We walk alongside her, witnessing her vulnerability, her resilience, her trauma, her courage and her strength.

We walk. We Take Steps Together, for change.