Street Art Fundraiser!

Jul 05, 2023

On June 15th, the Beyond the Streets team, consisting of  staff and volunteers, came together to hold a fantastic fundraiser!

The Crypt space beneath St Paul’s Church, Shadwell, hosted an exhibition of beautiful street art kindly donated to us by globally famous street artists.

Outside the exhibition in the garden there was a giant pallet wood wall constructed by volunteer, Helen. Artists spray painted live on this paint-jam wall for attendees to watch as they enjoyed free drinks from our sponsors Absolut UK, Girls Who Grind Coffee (with Minor Figures!), Dalston’s Soda’s, and Crate Brewery.

We were lucky enough to have DJs donating their time to bring their sounds the exhibit space which made the event a vibrant experience!

Thank you so much to everyone who came along, supported us, and helped make the event happen 💛


As a small charity with a limited budget, events of this scale have not been possible for us in the past. Your generosity has helped us to host this amazing fundraiser, which has had a fantastic impact for us as a charity, and ultimately for the women who we journey alongside.

Our support services Door of Hope (London based, in-person), and Beyond Support (National, telephone support) will benefit greatly from the money raised, and we can’t wait to continue the legacy of this vibrant event moving forward in the future.

It has been such a fantastic opportunity for us to connect with our current supporters, to make new supporters and raise awareness, to meet with our funders and other stakeholders, and to celebrate the strength and resilience that’s within all women and allies.

We’re now working to sell remaining artwork, which can be found online here