Aug 22, 2018
Given the numbers of women in the sex industry “working” indoors in venues or online, how do we as affiliated projects reach women who are yet to be reached?
Beyond the Streets is hosting this interactive training day as the result of practitioners who have been connecting to see how can we work together across the Beyond the Streets network. Join us for input that will facilitate growth of your outreach activities, whether its shifting outreach from ‘on street’ to also supporting women selling sex indoors, or strengthening your outreach approach by hearing ‘what works’.
We want to celebrate the fantastic work across the country, hear of the good practice that’s in place, whether you are new to the sector or more experienced as a project, here’s your opportunity to hear the stories, be encouraged, to learn from others in order to overcome challenges and see more women supported.
The aim of the day is to share learning & good practice between projects in Beyond the Streets Affiliate Network who are working with women in Off Street contexts across UK. We aim to explore:
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