Global Perspectives on Sustainable Exit from Prostitution

Dec 16, 2015

Prostitution is extensively researched yet despite the amount of research that has been carried out there has, until recently, been little focus on how people leave prostitution.  The recently published PhD thesis of Katie Thorlby contributes to closing this gap in our knowledge.
Over the course of the last 3 ½ years, Katie, a trustee of Beyond the Streets, has been carrying out a PhD investigating the process of exiting prostitution through an exploration of faith-based projects that support women to leave prostitution through the operation of social enterprises. The research is based on data from an internet mapping study and ethnographic research with two case studies, a project in India and a project in the US, both of which are running social enterprises.  The thesis examines the nature of such projects; how they support women to exit prostitution; how the social enterprise models employed by these projects operate; the role of faith in the nature and work of such projects; and the experiences of the women engaging with these projects.  You can read the full thesis here:
Resources for practitioners based on the findings of the research are currently being developed and will be made available in the coming months.
Posted by Beyond The Streets on 21/07/2015 at 12:02 PM
